How tall are the plants when delivered?
Top growth will vary by species. Most will average 4” to 8” in height.
Top growth will vary by species. Most will average 4” to 8” in height.
Each plant bundle ($10) is 2.5" wide by 10" long. A full tray of 32 plants only takes up about a 2 foot x 1 foot area. Unless your order is over 16 packs (64 total plants) you won't need more than a standard sedan to haul the plants.
260 W. Seeboth Street, Milwaukee, WI. We are located just off of 2nd Street on Seeboth Street. Head west along Seeboth and follow it until you reach our parking lot. You have to take 2nd Street to get to Seeboth Street.
Unfortunately, we do not have secure storage for the plants at our location. We strongly encourage you to mark your calendars or arrange for a friend or family member to pick-up in your place before placing your order.
Search your email you placed your order with using "MMSD 2022 Annual Rain Garden Plant Sale" If that doesn't work contact us to look it up by your email address.
Yes, after planting you should water daily for the first few months. After the first growing season you shouldn't need to water unless a long period of dry weather occurs.
This is a hotly debated topic amongst native enthusiasts. In the first growing season a hardwood bark mulch can be useful for keeping the moisture levels consistent and reducing weeds. Over the long term the plants should fill in and reduce the need for mulch. In addition, native plants benefit from their own dead material reintroducing nutrients back into the soil.