Our Plans
Click or tap one of the titles below to download the corresponding document
For updates to local technical standards, please go to https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Stormwater/standards/postconst_standards.html
Managing Turf to Improve Water Infiltration and Retention
The purpose of the experiment was to observe whether the intensive management of turf resulted in improved water infiltration and to what degree. A five-year study of water infiltration was conducted by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (UWM), and Earthcare Natural Lawn and Landscapes on adjacent parcels of turf on the UWM campus. This study suggests that taking a managed approach to lawncare improves infiltration and water retention, resulting in reduced sheet flow.
Maximizing Stormwater Capture Using GI In The CSSA 2020
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), City of Milwaukee, and Village of Shorewood have partnered to strategically identify eight locations within the combined sewer service area to implement large scale green infrastructure projects. This report outlines the need, methodology for site selection, community engagement strategies and provides conceptual plans for each site.
MMSD Resilience Plan
The Resilience Plan was a collaborative effort between over 50 stakeholders to identify risks to the region and actions that can be taken to reduce those risks. Driven by climate change and urbanization, the risks and actions address social, environmental and economic challenges.
MMSD Urban Biodiversity Plan
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), with the support of local stakeholders, wrote this plan to help protect and restore native biodiversity within MMSD’s planning area through the application of green infrastructure (GI).
Regional GI Plan
Green infrastructure is a key component to meeting MMSD’s 2035 Vision for zero basement backups, zero overflows, and improved water quality.
Fresh Coast Green Solutions
The Milwaukee region weaves green and traditional grey infrastructure into a sustainable future. This includes a range of effective, economical techniques that use nature to manage water.
Green Infrastructure Potential
MMSD has an ultimate goal of eliminating sewer overflows by 2035. Green infrastructure will be a critical component of meeting this goal, especially given the District’s heavy investments in grey infrastructure.
MMSD Sustainability Plan
Sustainability is not an endpoint at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), but rather it is the pathway forward. It’s about ensuring we do our part to protect the region’s environmental health, support social sustainability, and be fiscally responsible.
Green Infrastructure Maintenance Standards
The GI O&M Manual is intended to set standards for maintaining GI, as consistent and effective maintenance is critical to unlocking the full potential of GI to benefit our communities. The GI O&M Manual outlines recommended tasks, frequencies, equipment and material needs, safety steps, and weather considerations that need to be considered for effective GI maintenance.
Green Infrastructure Maintenance Analysis & Lessons Learned for Municipalities
The goal of this report is to illuminate green infrastructure maintenance barriers and successes, summarize the lessons learned, and ultimately prescribe recommendations regarding maintenance needs to both municipalities and MMSD.
KK River Watershed GI Plan
The Kinnickinnic River Watershed Green Infrastructure Plan is the first comprehensive, watershed-specific, plan created as part of the larger watershed planning effort recommended by the RGIP. It builds on the RGIP recommendations to allow multiple stakeholders to strategically implement green infrastructure in a way that meets their objectives.
Green Infrastructure For Schools Guidebook
This guidebook outlines the commonly-cited types of green infrastructure that can be used on school grounds. Five schools in the MMSD region are featured as examples of how schools are using green infrastructure.
GI Operations & Maintenance
Implementation Framework
To realize and sustain broad GI across the MMSD service area, the region needs to implement a GI operation and maintenance (O&M) framework to cost-effectively maintain GI benefits.
Green Infrastructure Maintenance Form
Fill out the maintenance form for each of your MMSD funded projects with the previous year’s maintenance activities. Send the form and pictures here: greeninfrastructure@mmsd.com
Tackling Barriers to Green Infrastructure
This workbook provides a starting point to help communities review and revise their codes and ordinances with the goal of improving stormwater runoff mitigation by enabling, encouraging and promoting green infrastructure.